Watch the trailer here.

Uncertain. That are what Luna feels with her three years relationship with Reno. She's perfect, elegance and had a good job. Mean while her boyfriend shows the different attitude and he haven't finish his study yet. They like earth and sky. On the other hand, Via, Luna's junior high school friend also has a problem like that. Via is so attractive and cool. It is so opposite with her boyfriend, Hedi, who is the conservative one, quite and has no 'soul'.
One day, they meet. Via spontaneously invites Luna to change their boyfriend. But it's only on Facebook. They removed their boyfriend's account and pretend that they don't know who the hell are them. Now Luna with Hedi and Via with Reno.
Everything was ok at the beginning. But Via really interesting with Reno who very match with her personality. She started to hang out with Reno and then fall in love with him. What happens if Luna knows this?
Beside this, another people also looking for happiness on Facebook. They are Doni, Reno's brother, who is gay and has a crush on his colleague and Luna's sister, Marlene who feels so lonely because her husband very cold to her. Is facebook solve their problem? Or make it bigger?
The story was so interesting at the beginning. Issue about Facebook is so booming here and the director use it plus the unique title. No, it's not a parody of I Know What You Did Last Summer. I don't know what else the best title beside it. So far it's the best and attractive to make moviegoers watch it.
Fanny Fabriana and Kimmy Jayanti played well. They can shows the personality of their role. Especially Kimmy as a newcomer, she is the next Fahrani I think. Rebellious. Unfortunely, Edo who plays as Reno act like a child. The way he speak looks fake and pretend to be cute. But he nice in fight words with Luna :P
The sub plot about people around Luna-Reno-Via shows everything can happen on Facebook. Howover it not really connect with the main issue. I love the ending of Luna's sister and her husband. It is a very personal opinion haha
Sadly that the movie become absurd and out of control after the climax. Something in the ending really confusing. A twist? It seems like the director, script writer or who else behind this don't know how to solve this problem. Or they give it to the audience to take a mirror, face yourself and ask " What you did on Facebook?". In my opinion, I also have no idea. But it's better than make it happy ending. Luna come back to Reno or Luna give Reno to Via, perhaps.
There are some mistakes when I watched it. First is when Reno sent a Black Berry Messages to Via. I can see that " Lunaaaa . ." is on the message not "Viaaa . . .". And next is when Marlene's husband apologise. He put an earphone out twice. I don't know if he use both LOL.
What I got from this is you shouldn't made a comedy-sex or horror-sex movie to show this is the kissing scene, making love scene or woman in minim suit. This movie shows it even it is not horror movie. They make it because it fit and can explore the story.
Try to watch it. When I watched, there are just less than 10 persons. It is not the best. But it is better than another movies which playing this week.
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