My First Award

by - 5:40 PM

Thanks for Tara to gave me this award. Now I must write seven facts about me and I will write seven movies that I looove very much!

1. The Bourne Trilogy

2. Ungu Violet

3. A Walk To Remember

4. Merah Putih

5. Star Wars

6. Original Sin

7. Mr. Bean

Well, actually that's more that seven movies, hehehe. I will pass the award to:

1. Viona di sini
2. Marionette Comes Alive
3. Life is Love, and Love is Red
4. Ihsan No Kankaku
5. It's Me
6. When The Bubbles Wanna Say Something
7. -d MiRacLe-

Take your award and share seven facts about you, guys!

ps: today is Intan's birthday, my besties. Wish you all the best, darl! :D

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6 comment(s)

  1. ini award apa daftar film sih????

  2. makasih ya udah naruh awardnya di blog, keren juga 7 film favoritnya..

  3. pertanyaan yang sama dengan kucing tengil, ckck.

    selera film kita berbeda sekali sepertinya..

  4. @ramtay : perbedaan itu perlu :D
    (terdengar seperti slogan di iklan rokok)


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