I'll Buy You Anything, I'll Buy You Any Ring

by - 9:38 AM

Well, I won't talk about Bieber here. I'm not one of his fans though I love to sing his song called Baby.

Do you know Twitter remove him from the trending topics? His responds is very innocent. By the way, I'll talk about ring. It's seems like a little intermezzo.

This ring will come out on The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Of course, because it's the ring that Edward give to Bella.

The Clothes Horse's rings, one of my favorite fashion bloggers after Diana Rikasari.

Those adorable rings made me bought my own ring. Here it is!

I'm not a person who wear ring often. My finger so small and many rings too big for me. But I try to keep this ring on my hand. Loooove it!

ps. I have no class tomorrow. Yayyyyy!

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