Three Things Thursday

by - 4:00 PM

Actually these things happened yesterday, but I was too happy to post it. Then I post it today :D

1. I was out for the first time since fasting and I found the world feel better. The road was almost empty but several supermarket was full with women. I gifted myself a Gogirl! new edition and some DVDs :)

2. Just got my early account for PotterMore! Thanks @haney07 for the clue. Can't wait for the welcome mail :)

3. 1st anniversary of Writing Session! I can not believe that I have been a year with this writing group. Thanks to @faridasusanty , @GabbyLaupa and @gravelfrobisher for the very good opportunity to be an administrator there. Some people maybe hate our community but plenty more love and support it :')

For this special moment, every admin contributed a writing and you can read it below :)

And one more thing, I am not fasting today because of 'the girl thing'. So sad but I hope you guys enjoy the day. Happy fasting :)

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4 comment(s)

  1. Aku belum berhasil aja ih itu Pottermore... :(

  2. Pantengin terus web sama twitter, biasanya suka banyak info kalo clue barunya muncul. Good luck :)

  3. Hi, Mirror! :D

    I'm Wildmidnight146 , yeaaah!! :D

  4. It's MirrorLeviosa38
    manggilnya yang lengkap dong ah ;p


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