Weekend Stories

by - 5:15 PM


Watched a Theatrical Poetry Reading called Lalu Aku with my boyfriend. We agreed that the way Lisza Syahtiani read and perform poetry was amazing :D


Joined ON|OFF Chat Bandung 2011. It was fun. This is the first time I joined something like this all alone. No friend or boyfriend. Well actually I met my junior high friend, @superluckyphili. I also made friends with @irwanirul @niadian06 @ruang17. Nice to meet you guys :)


Went to Rumah Buku and Togamas to done our Children and Adolescent Literature task. We accidentally found classic novels and distracted. I brought five books, yesterday and today. Can't wait to read 'em! :)


1. Literary Theory: The Basics. IDR 26.000
2. The Great Gatsby. IDR 20.300 (after discount 30%)
3. Rain Affair. IDR 24.150 (after discount 30%)
4. Thank You for Smoking. IDR 10.000
5. The Irish Biographies James Joyce. IDR 15.000

How's your weekend? ;)

ps. please pray for my grandmother. She is hospitalized :((

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