The First Two Days at Campus

by - 1:31 PM

Sorry for the late post. I have a serious problem with my laptop. It is really getting me down and postponed several works of mine. I hope my laptop will be back as good as before soon :)

Let's back to the post. I was starting my new semester. This is a tough semester and I hope I can past it with the best scores, aammmiinn :)

In the first day, I have two classes. It is Literary Criticism and Research Method ;)

Literary Criticism

This is the course where I and my literature friends learn to criticize text. The text can be short stories, novel, poetry or movie. We analyze it with literary theories which had learn in the previous semester :)

Some rules of this course:
- Class starts at 9 am
- No more than 3 absences

Annotated bibliography 10%
Critical review 20%
Short essay (min 750 words) 30%
Take-home essay 40%

- Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice
- Theory into Practice
- The Theory of Toolbox

Research Method

This course help us, both Linguistics and Literature class, to learn and understand how research methodology is working in our research. This course is very important to help us doing our final paper :)

Rules of this course:
Class starts at 1.30 pm

- Group summary and presentation 20%
- Students' workshop 20%
- One critical review 20%
- Final project 40%

Blending Qualitative and Quantitative


Three simple questions about this course:
1. What is research?
2. What are the essential components of research?
3. Common research procedures/steps?

What a tough week! I will tell more about my campus life next Friday :D :D

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