Love in Paris

by - 1:30 PM

Trust me, I am not a fan of Indonesia's opera soap. But when SCTV, one of national televisions planed to aired an opera soap that takes place in Paris, how could I say no? :O

Love In Paris tells a triangle love between Yasmine (Michelle Zudith), Rafa (Rio Dewanto) and Reno (Dimas Anggara). They coincidental meet in Paris. Conflicts start to happen there. Not only conflict in Yasmine's love life, but also her fight with Aqila (Yunita Siregar), her twin. This Screen Play Production's will aired Monday to Sunday, start October 22 (TONIGHT!), 7-9 pm.

I was almost crying and also dying when watching the trailer. I WANT TO GO TO PARIS. ALWAYS! :'( I hope this opera soap comfort me awhile until I can really go to Paris hehehehe. I also hope the triangle love story is not boring, exaggerating anything and ruining my dream city :)

What do you think? Are interested to watch it? :)

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2 comment(s)

  1. WAAW... I think the tittle is same with my short story! Check ma blog 'love in london'

  2. Judulnya sama kayak cerpen di blog saya 'love in london' check this out


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