Paranormal Activity 4

by - 5:07 PM

Supernatural Horror
Henry Joost
Ariel Schulman
Zack Estrin
Christopher B. Landon
Kathryn Newton, Matt Shively, Aiden Lovekamp, Brady Allen, Stephen Dunham, Alexondra Lee, and Katie Featherson

Paranormal Activity 4 is a sequel of Paranormal Activity 2. October 9th 2006, Katie killed her sister, Kristi Rey and her husband. She kidnapped his nephew, Hunter and then remained unknown.  Five years later, the suburban family witness strange events in their house after their take care their neighbor’s son, Robbie. Alex, the older daughter and her boyfriend, Ben install laptops and Kinect all around the house to record any other strange occurrences.

Before I give my opinion on Paranormal Activity 4, I want to say that I didn’t get Breaking Dawn Part II’s tickets and it made my boyfriend and I watched this film. It didn’t mean that I watched this movie by accident, because I was curious about the newest sequel. So, I thought I could save our Friday date and choose this one J

I haven’t watched the second and the third movie. I just watched the first movie and it was about three years ago. I don’t know the whole story about Hunter or Katie’s and Kristi’s childhood but I know what this movie was going to show. The footage that would trying to scare me off. That’s why I excited to watched it J Minute by minute, I was searching for shadows, moving chairs, flying knife, strange sounds and also Katie. Her blank face was very scary, even when she is smiling. Nothing special and now, except the Kinect technology but that was not interest me at all. The interesting part was the ending. It was so intense and fast. I could hardly breathe hahahaha. And it makes me want to watch the two previous movies and also the next one :D

As I wrote before, Katie as Katie (don’t confused, okay J) was very scared me. I was waiting for her appearance but once she came, I regret it :p Beside her, my attention was falling to Alex who played by Kathryn Newton. Paranormal Activity usually picked unpopular actors and actress. But now they picked Newton. She is so cute and beautiful. She was so annoying in Bad Teacher but now she all grown up and I’m sure she will get the right movie to be successful actress later J

Several reviews that I read about this movie wrote that it is unnecessary sequel because it hasn’t something new, both the story and the way their told it. But I think it depends to our purpose to watch it. If you want to be scare, watch it. But if you want a good story, watch other movies. For me, it scare me enough and I don’t think I will survive in the next movie :p

Ps. I couldn’t sleep last night. Ugh, I was such a chicken heart L

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