
by - 8:42 PM

I hoped I would forgot about Paranormal Activity when I watching this movie. But actually, it was more scared, for my friends, because so many blood scene there. Me? I didn't know why I laughed at it.

Colombus on his way to see if his parents still alive after zombie apocalypse. He loses his car and encounters Tallahassee. They travel together and when they stop at a grocery store, they meet two sisters, Wichita and Little Rock. The sisters con them into handing over their weapons and steal their truck. The two men walk and soon find a truck loaded with weapons. They then meet the girls again, who attempt to take the truck, their vehicle having broken down. Columbus proposes a truce and suggests they travel together.

Together they take an extended road trip in an attempt to find a sanctuary free from zombies, following a set of "rules" designed to keep them alive where others have failed, all the while trying to "enjoy the little things", killing zombies in a variety of creative ways.

The Rules:

1. Cardio
2. Double Tap
3. Wear Seatbelts
4. Beware of Bathrooms
5. No Attachments
6. Cast Iron Skillet
7. Travel Light
12. Bounty paper towels
15. Bowling Ball
17. (Don't) Be a hero
18. Limber Up
22. When in doubt, know your way out
29. The Buddy System
31. Check the back seat
32. Enjoy the little things
33. Swiss Army knife

Have you watch it? Remember the rules when you watch it. LOL

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