Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just Wanna Have Fun

Went to Dufan like I wrote before. We really have fun there! Sadly, two of my class friends are didn't come with.

7.00 am: waited the other friends and a rental car

8.00 am: on the way and sang Kerispatih songs until came to Jakarta :D

11.oo am: already at Dufan's gate

12.00 am: queued, took photos and challenged ourselves. Journey to the Center of the Earth, Perang Bintang, Halilitar, Ontang Anting, Bumber Car, Arung Jeram, Mirror House, I felt almost dead when I tried Tornado X(

6.oo pm: prepared to back to Bandung

7.30 pm: dinner!

11.00 pm: already back to Bandung accompanied with the Westlife's songs. By the way, we were so tired to take a photo :P

Thanks to you all!!! Loooooooooove you! =*

ps. photos by @arlypagalo and @de3d0t


  1. sumpah ih... foto akunya teu kobe gtu... ga nyadar kamera... haahhaha!

  2. hah!! ini jauh-jauh dari bandung???


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