Books of the Month

by - 1:19 AM

I only took a picture from five new books. It was because my mood suddenly disappear and my fucking bad camera phone.

I don't like bread. I just hunger when caption this. *my shoes also there*

Follow her on twitter, @faridaysusanty. Young and talented writer, although I haven't read her book at all. She created the @writingsession time everyday at 9pm.

Have no idea with this. I even haven't read the synopsis.

The new books from Andrea Hirata. Padang Bulan at the front and Cinta di Dalam Gelas at the back. Wondering what's the purpose of that. *my shoes again*

This is the picture that made me really want to go out from there. By the way, the movie will play next month.

I was very upset when planned to write this. But I am better keep it here, in my heart. It's about family problem actually.

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