I Think I Would Be Sleeping on Campus

by - 10:28 PM

I almost went to campus and doing something similar everyday. I admit that I tired of it and need a gateway or some place quite with no people I know to relax and refresh myself. But life must go on and time does not wait for you, even to take a little breath.

Our assistant lecturer asked us to come to class and discuss about our progress on the final mini research. Honestly, I did nothing for this assignment. I felt terrible when my friends came up with something good or at least they did something. I decided to analyze movie poster. But I haven't decided which poster. Should I pick The Twilight Saga's or Sherlock Holmes'? What kind of analysis that I would do? Give me some time to think about it :)

Quote at that day:
"Know what you want. Want what you want" - (Hermawan, 2011)

I have got chilblains on Tuesday. It made me absent for two classes. Thank God the lecturers were not come either.

Finally, my group's paper of Hindu's holiday is finished!

And we were presentation as "Penyanggah" or people who against the "Penyaji"'s opinions. It did pretty well :)

DUE DATE of ABS PAPER. Thank God I have finished it a day before. Here is my work :)

Btw ABS is much much closer now and I get nervous everytime people talk about it. Pray for the best for us, guys :)

The lecturer didn't come. But she asked us to continue with the latest audio. The audio was much better than last week. The topic is about education between public and private school. What a general topic, isn't it?

Wuuiiihhh, I still have to go to campus tomorrow and also next day. I hope what I do will be mean something in the future. Aaammmiinnn :)

How about your days? :)

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