Happy New Year 2012 :D

by - 8:11 AM

Huaaaa, first day in 2012! Did you sleep well? Did you watched fireworks? Did you excited about this new year? So do I. Although, I got fever in the other night and a bunch of unfinish assignments, but I still excited :D :D

It's 2012 and it means . . .

Make new resolutions :)

I have wrote my 2012 resolutions and what should I do to reach it. This year, I have 20 resolutions to fill. I am kinda excited and nervous. Can I fill all of those resolutions or not? I hope I can and sure you do too. Here is my several resolutions that might be inspired you :)

1. Finish reading Al Qur'an twice. I just want to be closer to Him. I just want to feel 'inner peace'. Wish me luck and bismillah :')

2. Get a new phone, N9. I have wrote about it here :)

3. Finish writing 'The House'. I ignored this project for about two years. So sorry 'Alana' and 'Banyu' :'(. But this year I will finish it :D

4. Translate 'Pretty Little Liars'. I have wrote about it here :)

5. Smile everyday and everywhere

My friends and my boyfriend often complain about my expression that looks unhappy. They always ask me to smile more and be positive. Actually I confuse about their complain. My face is actually like this and I don't really feel unhappy when I look unhappy :o

But I accept their advice. I will try to smile more and that's why I'm doing this project.

A picture of my smile face everyday for a year. Kinda fun? Here's my first try :)

6. Read 24 books :)

And the rest of 14 resolutions are too silly and too private to share here hehehehehe :p

Watch a lot of uncoming movies :)

There's a lot of movie I want to watch. But I decided to not go to cinema often and just watch movie that I really want to watch because I have 'saving money' program. Here is The Most Anticipated Movies of 2012 list :)

Change your calender :)

I haven't brought a new calender for myself. I think I'm gonna buy a magazine which has calender as bonus. I love free goods hehehehehe :p

EURO 2012 :)
I'm not really into soccer. But if you ask about it, I would like to talk and about it. This year for EURO I support GERMAN for sure, like what I did in WORLD CUP 2010. How about you? :)

What else? I think you can ask this cute best friend for more info. I can't believe they are actually best friends for almost 10 years :O

At last, happy new year, happy new year, hope everything will be getting better than 2011 :D

ps: it's raining here :D

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