Next Five Days at Campus

by - 10:03 PM

Meeting: 3rd

I could not believe that the lecturer remember that the class should bring our ‘Next Five Years Plan’ and share it to the rest of the class. Well, here is my plan :)

The class dismissed after everybody finish share their plans and the lecturer explained a bit material about Islamic Entrepreneurship Focus on Eight Principles of Thoughts.

1. Entrepreneurship in a integral parts of Islamic religion
2. By virtue of human nature, the Moslem entrepreneurs are ‘khalifah’ and have the responsibilities developed prosperity and sees business as part of ‘ibadah’ or good deed.
3. Motivator – success in Islam is not merely measured by the end result but also the way and means of achieving them.
4. ‘Ibadah’ – business activity is part of ‘ibadah’ or good deed.

Um, he just explained four of eight principles :p

Assignment: nothing :D

Meeting: 2nd

The lecturer asked three simple and basic questions about this course ;)
1. What is editing?
2. In what ways are editing important?
3. In what professional areas do editors work?
4. Give examples of the work of editing!

The time was not enough to answer all of them. So, he made it as assignment and we also asked to find journal as the references.

(Other) Assignment:
- Edit this text

- Bring scores transcript next week
- Bring a laptop to make learning activity easier
- Read the textbook, Copyeditor’s Handout

Meeting: 2nd

The lecturer explained and gave examples in a funny way. He started with a very basic concept of functional grammar. Functional grammar is focus on the form. It helps us to communicate with other people. What do we communicate? Meaning! We already have meaning in our head then we communicate it in form of language.

The meanings in our head depend on the context of communication. The context can be culture (genre) or situation (register) such as field (transitivity), tenor (mood) and mode (theme).

My first chapter report. Checked!

Assignment: Make a chapter report of chapter 2, MOOD

Meeting: 3rd

The lecturer explained about how to write an annotated bibliography. Annotated bibliography is like a summary of journal, article, book chapter that we already read. We also can write our evaluation about it. It helps us to remember the material without re-read a lot of papers ;D

The writing process is starting with questioning.

- who is the author?
- where is the article published? what type of journal it is?
- what do I know about the topic? am I open to new ideas?
- why was the article written? what is its purpose?
- what is the author's thesis? the major supporting
- did the author support his/her thesis/assertions?
- did the article achieve its purpose?
- was the article-organized?
- did the article change my viewpoint on the topic?
- was the article convicing? what new information or ideas do I accept or reject?

A sample annotated entry

- Bibliography (book/article data like author, year, pages, etc)
- a mini explanation of the author
- summary of book/article
- evaluation
- advice from us

The lecturer also asked what is our topic for research one by one. I planned that I would do a research about comparing novel and the movie version or it have known as film adaptation. I'm wondering how the messages in the original story in the novel transform and interpret in form of film :D

Novel and film is really my thing. I haven't decided the primary source yet. The lecturer warned me to not choose Harry Potter. She suggested me to try The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo :O

Assignment: make just one annotated bibliography from journal or chapter book that support the topic of my research :D

Meeting: 3rd

Our topic this week is Quantitative and Qualitative research!

REMEMBER! Don’t be confused whether our research should use quantitative or qualitative approach. Because Quantitative data can be converse into qualitative data :D

Other important thing to remember:
- Research question plays the important role in doing research
- The way we phrase our research question would be determine the approach we should adopt, the kind of data that we should collect and the sources of data that we should consult.

Quote of the day:
‘Make sure you know what you want (in research)’ – Musthafa (2012)

Assignment: Find and make it two copies of three research questions that we like.

Meeting: 2nd

The lecturer talked and talked, explained this and that and the weird thing is I was really into and enjoy the material :D

Requirements for Successful Translation
- Good understanding of the source text (e.g. English)
- Good command of Bahasa Indonesia (as a target language)
- Good knowledge base of contents
- Good knowledge of translation techniques

We tried to translate two line of Jalaludin Rumi’s Poetry entitled ‘Look! This is Love

I have chosen You alone in the world
Can I then sit and grieve?

The version of translation results were so unique and fun :D

Version#1 - @dos_ssy
Aku telah memilihMu sendiri di dunia
Lalu bolehkah aku duduk dan bermuram durja?

Version #2
Aku telah memilih Engkau satu-satunya di dunia ini
Bisakah aku sekarang mendapat kedamaian?

Version #3 - @ppermatasari
Aku telah memilihMu untukku di dunia ini
Maka bisakah aku menempatkanMu dan menyemayamkanMu?

Version #4
Aku telah memilihmu saja di dunia
Lalu dapatkan aku duduk dan berduka?

Version #5
Aku telah memilihMu seorang di dunia
Bisakah kemudian aku duduk dan bersedih?

Version #6 - @safitrialfiani
Aku telah memilihMu Yang Maha Esa
Lalu bolehkahaku bersimpuh dan memohon ampun?

Assignment: Nothing :D

Okay, that's my recap from my campus life. How about yours? :D

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