The Next Four Days in Seventh Semester

by - 11:00 AM

The lecturer explain the structure of research proposal J

Proposal Penelitian

Komponen Bab 1
Pendahuluan Latar Belakang
Bab ini mencakup 4 komponen berikut:
1.       Latar belakang masalah
2.       Pertanyaan penelitian
3.       Partisipas/subjek penelitian
4.       Signifikasi penelitian

Bab II: Tinjauan Pustaka
Tujuan bab ini mencakup yang berikut
1.       Membahas secara umum berbagai temuan penelitian terdahulu yang berkaitan dengan topik yang hendak diteliti
2.       Mengidentifikasi dan mencatat berbagai temuan yang bertentangan . .

Then suddenly, the lecturer switched the topic to literature review only :o

Cara menyusun tinjauan pustaka
1.       Secara kronologis: menggunaka waktu sebagai penyajian
2.       Secara tematik
3.       Secara metodologis: pendekatan kualitatif vs kuantitatif, survey vs studi kasus
4.       Simpulan

The lecturer continued her explanation about Visual Methodologies and she gave the class an example by showing Q’s cover. WOW!

The lecturer asked the class how to write a critical review. The material have explained before actually. She also gave an example how the picturebook works by showing The Paper Bag Princess book :)

Read “The Art of Picturebook” and make a critical review. Due October 18, 2012. Submit it to

The first group presented their understanding again.

The second group presented their understanding. The discussion was quite a mess and humiliated!

The lecturer asked the class to fill a worksheet, Don’t Sell Me Thing. It was fun J

Work in pairs. Bring a product of any brand. Every pairs should bring a different product J

The second group presented their understanding about Discourse and Genre J

The lecturer explained about narrative ;)

Write a reader response of The Monkey’s Paw in around two pages. Explain the constituent and supplementary event and your reason. Due October 10, 2012. Submit it to

The groups presented their understanding about Greek drama . .

Roman drama . .

and The Theater of Absurd J

I haven’t copy their slides yet L

The first group presented their understanding of American Culture J

I haven’t copy their slide yet L

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