2012's Resolutions UPDATE!

by - 8:53 AM

Remember six resolutions that I wrote here? Let’s take a look at what I did to fill them.

1. Target: reading Al Qur’an and finished it twice

January’s achievement: sadly and tragically, I just finished read three suras last month. Where I have been? L

2. Target: Buy N9

January’s achievement: My saving for this dream smart phone is about 10% of the price. Seriously, Dhyn? Well, I bought a new CDMA phone, several gifts for my friends and a new bag hahahaha :D Oh okay, I will be more serious now. I have sent my several short stories to several magazines and tabloids. Hope that one of them would be publish, aaammmiiinnn J

I will be more serious now, I will! But how could I be more serious when people do not believe that I would buy this phone? It’s was kinda bring me down, really L

3. Target: Write and publish The House

January’s achievement: I wrote nothing! I was too busy to take care to another project that comes up every second on my mind. At last, nothing is finished. Damn, I have to engage to my target, The House!

4. Target: Translate Pretty Little Liars’ novel

January's achievement: Actually I have to translate three chapters every month. But this month I just finished a chapter. You can read it by download it here J

5. Target: A picture of my smile face everyday for a year

January’s achievement: I finished the first month of this challenge. But photos are just 21. I failed to complete another 10 photos because of sometimes I forget to take a photo or busy doing something. Here’s the photos J

Fyi, I have to wearing veil when the photo is taken, so sometimes I was too lazy to wear them and didn’t take a photo at all hahahaha. Well, my campus life starts today and I’m gonna go out (and wear veil, of course) almost everyday! Let’s see what would happen next month J

6. Target: At least, read 24 books

January’s achievement: This is the best achievement so far. I read four books this month, a book a week. But I am not sure that I would read a lot of book this month. Because beside read the books that I really want, I have to read textbooks which sometimes I hate to read and it takes time to finish. Well, just be positive and read a book again!

Overall, I don’t think that January is my best month of my resolution’s achievement. But I still think that next month and another month I will finish them. Be positive, Dhyn :D

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2 comment(s)

  1. semoga semua target tercapai ka din..hehe..walau baca nya sedikit puyeng,tapi ada yang nyangkut koq..(belepotan bahasa asing)

  2. Ammiiin :)
    semoga target ka ediwa juga tercapai semua :)
    nulisnya buru-buru jadi emang banyak yang belepotan englishnya hehe


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