The Next Four Days in Seventh Semester

by - 11:01 AM

The lecturer explained again The Levels of Reading and added some material J

1.       Augentation: menambahkan/mengembangkan
-          Bisa berupa general statement + (ditambah) penjelasan, contoh-contoh, statistic dll
-          Bisa berupa teori induk + (ditambah) bagaimana teori tersebut dapat diterapkan dalam praktik di kelas/dalam pembacaan teks
2.       Negation: dipertentangkan dengan yang lain
-          Negasi bisa frontal, bisa juga melalui comparison & contrast

Katakan saja ada lima definisi yang berbeda tentang film. Tulis definisi-definisi tersebut dalam sebuah kertas kecil dan klasifikasikan. Mungkin ada definisi yang lebih menekankan pada fungsi atau juga berlawanan. Ubah posisi kertas kecil tersebut sesuai dengan klasifikasinya. Setelah itu kita bisa membuat general statement dan mengembangkannya J

Find out more theories and secondary sources which related to your research topic J

Researching the Ad
1.       Determine Your Prospects
a.       Psychographics: life style, hobbies/interest, taste, personal goals (value & ambitions), psychological traits
b.      Demographics: income, age, sex, education, occupation, marital status
2.       Analyze Your Product
3.       Set Your Objectives

Then the friend of my lecturer came and asked the class to classify some product, brand and their feature ads. Here’s my work :p

BRAND SOUL: unique value proposition
SELLING IDEA: promise of a brand

a.       List 10 famous brands. Find out the brand soul and the selling idea
b.      List 6 brand of the same product and compare their brand soul and selling idea
c.       Do it in pairs and print it J
The first group presented their understanding  J

But the presentation ended before it finish. The lecture got angry because most of students haven’t read the material. Then she asked to make a make up class later L

Buy and read the book J

The first group presented their analysis in Pragmatics. They analyzed indirect speech act in How I Met Your Mother. It was really funny J

Chapter Report #2

The lecturer didn’t come but she asked us to make a summary of Discourse Analysis I and Discourse Analysis II in Visual Methodologies chapter J

The lecturer explained a material about Language and Material. There was a simple task that we do. We had to list a thanking expression in several languages and these are what the class got J 

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